Decorative Kitchen, Bath, Hardware
Since 1991
Northern California
Northern Nevada

United States
Phone 1-925-443-4300, Fax 1-925-443-4301
Luxury designs, quality products. > It pays well to call us.
"Rep of the Year"

"Top Sales"

"Best all around Agency" 

These are a few of the
many awards earned over the years.
To all those that support us,
and know us,
and visit us here.


Thank you

FosterCompanies is a long standing and well established marketing and sales organization. We are dedicated  to offering the highest level of professionalism and integrity. We sell and market products for manufactures abroad to the kitchen, bath, plumbing, hardware, retail and wholesale trades.  We specialize in building relationships, through these channels of commerce.

Our goal is to be the absolute best at what we do.  We build "Partnerships", "Trust", and "Integrity". These are the cornerstones to our success We work for the factory directly.

We have earned several times over the years "National Rep of the Year", "Top Sales" and "Best all around Agency", as well as many other awards. We strive to make our clients and the factories we work for the stars in our business effort.  We deliver results.   Robert has well over  30 years in the plumbing and construction industry and brings that knowledge and expertise to his company and his staff.


We call exclusively on Kitchen and Bath Dealers,  Wholesale and Retail Distributors, as well as Architects, Designers, High End Builders and the Hospitality Industry.  The idea is to have fun and make money doing it. 


Call us, and see what we can do for you.

Established since 1991